
Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

What Is Agave Sweetener?

What Is Agave Sweetener?

Agave sweetener, sometimes called agave nectar, is an alternative to refined sugar. You can use agave in many of the same dishes as you would refined table sugar, without the harmful side effects. Agave is a natural sugar substitute without the chemicals that artificial sweeteners contain. Agave sweetener is sold in health stores and some grocery stores. Does this Spark an idea?


    Agave is a Mexican plant that resembles a cactus or yucca, and whose nectar is known as "honey water." There are more than 100 different species of agave, with the blue agave's nectar being the preferred variety. When the plant is between seven and 10 years old, the leaves are cut back to the core. The sap is extracted from the core and then heated and filtered to make agave nectar.

Glycemic Index

    The glycemic index is a value given to a food to express how quickly it raises your blood sugar levels. Diets such as South Beach and Atkins utilize the glycemic index to keep sugar levels under control. The glycemic index of pure glucose is 100, and other foods are assigned values based on that number. The glycemic index value for 2 tbsp. of agave nectar is 30.

Glycemic Load

    Glycemic load also takes into account the number of digestible carbohydrates in a food to calculate the overall blood sugar impact. A glycemic load of greater than 20 is considered high, 10 to 19 is medium and less than 10 is low. To determine the glycemic load of a food, you multiply the glycemic index value by the number of carbohydrates in a single serving, then divide that number by 100. The glycemic load of the 2 tbsp. serving of agave nectar is 9.6. This number is lower than that of one medium apple.


    You can add agave nectar to many recipes as a substitute for a variety of sweeteners. Substitute agave sweetener for honey and maple syrup at a 1:1 ratio, meaning that for each tablespoon of honey or maple syrup, 1 one tablespoon of agave. Use 2/3 cup of agave nectar for each cup of white sugar in a recipe, but reduce the other liquids in the recipe by to 1/3 cup. Brown sugar has more moisture than white, so use 2/3 cup agave for 1 cup of brown sugar, but only reduce the liquid by cup. Reduce the oven temperature by 25 degrees Fahrenheit and increasing the cooking time when using agave nectar as a sweetener in baked goods.

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