
Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

How to Lose Weight Doing Zumba

If you want to lose weight and burn up to 1000 calories per hour, you should try the new exercise craze called Zumba. Zumba is a fun new dance exercise to a Latin beat. Zumba focuses on working out all three zones of your body at one time.



    Take a Class

    Take a Zumba class in your community. Almost every community has a Zumba class within a twenty minute drive. Most classes are very affordable. You can usually buy a punch card for as little as $5.00 dollars per class. The card will only be punched when you attend, so it does not matter if you miss a class and you do not need to pay a monthly fee.


    Buy a Video

    Buy a Zumba video so that you can dance your way thin from the comfort of your own home. You will be able to dance like you have never danced before and burn upto 1000 calories an hour. More than any other exercise you have ever done. You will lose weight and tone your body. Within weeks you will have flat abs and a toned butt.


    Become an Instructor

    Become a Zumba instructor by attending a Zumba training course. You can attend a course as young as sixteen years old with the permission of your parent or guardian.

    The Zumba course will give you everything you need to know to teach a Zumba class yourself. Once you have danced the pounds off, you can start teaching others and make money doing what you love to do.

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