
Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

The Best Diet for Acne Prone Skin

According to, acne is a condition occurring on the skin that is caused by the overproduction of oil by the sebaceous (oil) glands of the skin. This extra oil becomes stuck in oil ducts and then bulges to form pimples. Forms of acne include blackheads, whiteheads and cysts, which usually have to be surgically removed. The area on the body that has the most oil glands is the forehead, therefore making it the most susceptible to acne. Healthy diets may help those most affected by acne.


    Although the fact that certain diets can help in the treatment of acne has never actually been scientifically proven, there are diets that promote overall skin health. It has always been said that foods high in sugar aid in the development of acne and skin issues. According to, when sugar levels in the blood become higher, acne-causing hormones are released. The most efficient way to get rid of sugar that is already in the body is to exercise.

    Foods containing high amounts of fiber, such as oatmeal, should be eaten. They slow down the process of absorbing sugar into the blood.

    Cut back on meat and dairy products in the diet because they contain little to no fiber and have a high glycemic index. However, both of these types of foods are high in protein so they should be substituted with something else. Accepted alternatives to meats that are high in sugar are whole grain bread and pasta, and fruits.

    Fats should be limited if you are suffering from acne because they are detrimental when too much is consumed and because they are found in unhealthy, greasy foods. Most of the fat content in your food should come from foods such as fish, avocados and walnuts. The fat that should be limited and highly monitored is found in regular meats such as beef and chicken, nuts and snack foods such as chips and candy.

When to See a Doctor

    According to, if the combination of a healthy diet and an adequate amount of exercise does not improve your acne symptoms, set up an appointment with your dermatologist. Other reasons for seeking medical attention are if you have persistent pimples, if scars begin to form from the high amount of acne on the skin, or if you become embarrassed to be seen in public or by your peers.

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