
Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

What is the Best Workout at Gym to Lose Weight?

Circuit training is a method of working out that uses conventional weight training as both a strength-building activity and a calorie-burning activity. By building some muscle you will burn more calories throughout the day. A circuit involves performing a series of exercises back to back. Generally, you use five to 10 different exercises that target the major muscle groups. You should also take advantage of any classes offered at your gym such as boot camp, spinning and cardio kick-boxing that emphasize burning calories through aerobic activity.

Combine Strength Training and Aerobic activities to lose weight

    Most gyms offer a wide range of free weights, strength training machines, aerobic training machines and classes. To make the most of your time at the gym and to promote weight loss you should make use of all the different forms of exercise. The circuit training method combines the benefits of weight training and aerobic training into one workout. Setting up the strength training aspect of the workout is simply a matter of picking a group of basic exercises that will stimulate your major muscle groups such as the leg press, bench press and dumbbell curl. You will perform the series of exercises back to back for about 20 to 30 minutes.

    A sample circuit training workout could include barbell squats, standing dumbbell press, jump rope, hanging leg lifts and dumbbell step-ups on low bench. Perform six to 12 repetitions for 20 to 30 minutes. Experiment with the weights because you will probably find that you will need to use less for each exercise than you would performing straight sets.

Train Smart and Train Efficiently

    By performing the exercises back to back without resting between sets you will be forcing your body to work anaerobically and aerobically at the same time. This is an efficient way to train because you promote muscle growth and calorie/fat burning at the same time. Over the long run the addition of muscle will raise your resting metabolism because muscle uses calories even at rest.

Aerobic Training Helps Shed Pounds

    Riding a stationary cycle, walking on a treadmill or sweating through a cardio-kickboxing class all burn calories and help you to shed unwanted pounds of fat. Based on your preference you can do this training before or after your circuit training or you can do them on separate days.

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