
Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

Student Success Checklist

Student Success Checklist

A successful student has a checklist to help keep on track. Checklists should encompass standard protocol, as all students need structured learning environments, organized learning spaces and healthy bodies and minds. A student should consult the checklist periodically and should update it as necessary. The checklist need not be long and complex, and the student should personalize it for maximum value.


    Designing a plan and sticking with it should be first on a student checklist. Students must prepare to learn at school and after school.

    Make a schedule of your school day. This will help you arrive to class on time, and it will help you notice study times. Students often have breaks during the day, whether it be a study hall, homeroom or flex period. Use this time to your advantage.

    Plan your working time at home as well. Do homework in a quiet area, not in front of the television. Plan to put your cell phone away and stay off the computer unless your work requires it.

    All students need a balance in life. Do not fill every night with homework and school activities. Allow time to watch a television show, play a computer game or two, or catch up with your parents. Part of a student checklist is a balanced, scheduled day.


    Organization is necessary for your success. Students who succeed know where assignments and class materials are. Part of a checklist should be personalized organizational tools. Some students organize their lockers with shelves and hooks. Others prefer smaller baskets and magnets. Find what works the best for you and keep your locker tidy so you have what you need for classes.

    Another organizational tip is to look at your plan periodically. Do you need materials for certain classes, such as protective eye-wear for science class? Keep such materials, as well as binders, writing utensils and paper handy.

Be Healthy

    To perform well in school, you must have maintaining your health on your checklist. Students must be rested in order to perform well at school. If you are sick, rest and do not attend school. This will cut the chances of spreading an illness. A healthy diet is important. In "Fueled to Succeed" author Maureen Hegarty says that children need "to eat before school to have the energy to stay alert and thinking throughout the morning." Hegarty also suggests picking healthy choices for lunch, an after-school snack and dinner. Finally, Hegarty states that exercise is also important for student success, as the brain positively responds to physical activity.

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