
Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

Perennial Plants That Whitetailed Deer Will Not Eat

Perennial Plants That Whitetailed Deer Will Not Eat

Pressures on the deer population in the U.S. include habitat loss, development, food shortages and other factors that force the deer to forage for plants in gardens and other cultivated areas. White-tailed deer can leap 10 feet high and span gaps of 30 feet to gain entry to any promising food supply. Tactics to discourage deer from chewing plants include plantings with uninviting characteristics such as strong odors, tough or prickly plant parts, toxic parts and bad taste. No plant can be considered deer-proof because deer faced with a food shortage will tolerate eating even undesirable plants. Does this Spark an idea?

Agave Americana

    The agave Americana or century plant is a tough succulent that can inhabit almost every U.S. climate zone. This poisonous perennial has blue-gray leaf blades reaching 3 to 5 feet long with saw-toothed edges. The plant height can reach 15 to 40 feet tall with a 10 foot spread. For areas with water restrictions, the century plant can withstand drought, high heat and poor and shallow soils. This perennial also tolerates strong winds and frost. According to the University of Florida, the slow-growing century plant prefers the strong light to aid in form, color and growth.

Christmas Fern

    The Christmas fern (Polystichum acrostichoides) is an evegreen with scaly stalks that the white-tailed deer eat sparingly. This fern reaches a height of 1 to 2 feet tall with fronds 2 to 3 feet long. The dark green, leathery leaflets or pinnae approximately 2 inches long become smaller farther down the frond's mid-rib. The shiny leaflets emerge from an asymmetrical base or clump. Habitat includes rocky slopes and deciduous woods on shaded, north or east facing slopes.


    Oregano (Origanum oregano) also known as wild marjoram, belongs to the Lamiacae or mint family. This aromatic plant can help deter deer. This bushy plant grows to 8 to 12 inches tall with upright or spreading stems. Oval-shaped and sometimes fuzzy leaves measure about 1 inches long. Native to Europe, the Mediterranean and Southeast Asia, oregano thrives in full sun on well-drained soil. Summer flowers are tiny, purple or white on long spikes.

Oriental Poppy

    The Oriental poppy (Papaver orientale) belongs to Papaveraceae family of flowering plants. All parts are toxic. Upright, showy flowers of large orange, red, pink and white petals bloom April to May. Native to northeastern Turkey, and the Caucasus, Oriental poppies prefer a sunny location, but will grow in partial shade. This herbaceous perennial reaches a height of about 36 inches with a spread of 24 inches.

Yucca Filamentosa

    Yucca filamentosa belong to the Agavaceae-Agave family. Native to the southeast U.S. the yucca, also known as Adam's needle, bear grass and Spanish bayonet, has sharp blades tipped with spines and long curly threads. This short to medium shrub thrives in moist, well-drained soil, yet tolerates dry soil, sand dunes, and poor soils. Light exposure can vary from full sun to full shade. Stalks can reach as tall as 12 feet Bell-shaped flowers with six creamy-white petals that resemble teeth bloom during July and August.

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