
Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

How to Use Creatine in Your Training Routine

Bodybuilders, no matter if their ultimate ambition is to compete on the stage or just to look good on the beach, are always looking for an advantage. This, of course, has led to a billion dollar supplement industry, geared towards those weight lifters who want something--anything--that will give them that edge they need to build muscle better and faster. One such supplement is creatine, but there is a lot of misinformation out there about this substance. If you're thinking about adding creatine into your training regimen, this guide will show you how to do so most effectively. Add this to my Recipe Box.


Use Creatine in Your Training Routine


    Get Your Training Routine Down. The most important element of any bodybuilding routine is, of course, the training. Many people mistakenly think there is a sort of magic bullet out there that can turn you into a hulking superman without the discipline and training that goes along with it. There is no such bullet. It isn't creatine, it isn't amino acids, it isn't even steroids. Without having your training routine spot on, you'll just be pouring money down the drain. Before you even begin to think about supplements beyond protein powder and a multivitamin, you should be making good gains in the gym without them.


    Hone Your Diet to a Fine Point. Diet may be just as important as what you do in the gym. One of the main reasons many people fail to grow is simply because they don't eat enough. It is an old maxim, but to get big, you have to eat big. It's just that simple. Protein is the building blocks from which good quality muscle comes from. You should be getting yours in the form of fish, chicken, and red meat at a rate of (at least) 1 gram per pound of lean body mass. This is in addition to good low glycemic index carbs and a modest amount of fats. Without the diet, supplements won't do you much good.


    Add Creatine as Your Only Supplement. In order to tell what kinds of effects creatine will have on your body, you should use it for a while as your only supplement. Yes, the protein powders can stay, but nothing else. If you add a bunch of supplements into your training routine at the same time and make great gains, you'll have no way of knowing which of the supplements is actually helping you. Doing it this way will let you know exactly what you can expect from creatine.


    Gradually Add in Other Supplements As Desired. After you have used creatine for a period of about a month, you can then begin to add in other bodybuilding supplements as you deem necessary. Remember to follow the same steps for each of these supplements, and remember that none of them are to be used as a replacement for diet and training.

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