
Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

How to: Paper Plate Preschool Crafts

How to: Paper Plate Preschool Crafts

A few art supplies and a lot of imagination will go a long way with toddlers. Buy a pack of inexpensive plates and watch your child get to work creating whimsical paper masterpieces.


Paper Plate Pumpkin


    Cover the back of a paper plate with orange acrylic craft paint. Allow the plate to thoroughly dry.


    Cut three triangles and a jagged jack-o'-lantern inspired mouth shape out of black construction paper.


    Use craft glue to attach two triangle shapes to the plate as eyes and one as a nose. Glue the mouth shape directly under the nose.


    Cut one stem shape and two leaf shapes out of green construction paper. Glue the stem to the top center of the plate. Glue one leaf to each side of the stem.

Paper Plate Lion


    Cover the back of a paper plate with light brown acrylic craft paint. Allow the paint to dry.


    Cut a circular piece of yellow craft felt the same size of the middle of the plate. Glue the felt circle to the middle of the painted plate to form the lion's face.


    Make 1/2-inch cuts around the entire perimeter of the plate to create fringe that resembles a lion's mane.


    Glue two plastic googly eyes to the felt. Cut the lion's nose and mouth out of black felt and glue them onto the front of the plate to complete the face.

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