
Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

How to Manage to Lose Weight

We here at eHow have noticed that nobody has ever written an article or anything on the subject of losing weight, so we decided that we might as well go ahead and do so. Well, maybe some stuff has been written about losing weight, but most of it is crap. The crappy articles tell you that you can, for example, "Lose up to 4 pounds a week, in only 5 minutes a day!" Wrong. You can automatically tell that an article is worthless if it makes it sound as if it will be easy to lose weight. We hate to be the first ones to tell you this, but it isn't easy to lose weight. Your body wants to stay the way it is, and it thinks that attempts to change it are harmful. We think that losing weight is simple in theory but difficult in regard to the hard work and willpower you have to put in. We don't have the time or expertise to go wading through the sea of elaborate theories that claim to have found the secret to easy weight loss. We're pretty confident at the outset that there is no such secret. We're just going to show you a weight-loss method that won't be easy, but that will work if you do it right. Just so you don't think we're being mysterious, here's the method: Eat less and exercise. Surprised? Now if you don't think you're going to like our method, feel free to check out other experts' advice on how to lose weight. But we're confident you'll like our method best.

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