
Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

How to Lose Muscle Mass

Building muscle mass takes a certain dedication to increase the stress you are putting on your muscles over time. Once your muscles become used to a certain amount of weight, going back on that will lead to their deterioration.



    Change your workout schedule. If you were working out 5 days a week and alternating muscle groups, decrease this to 3 days a week, taking 1 day off for each muscle group.


    Decrease the amount of weight you are lifting. Even a slight change of 1 lb. will affect body composition.


    Change your diet. Add in empty calories from sugary sodas and junk foods. Pig out on fast food and junk at least 1 day a week.


    Go long periods without any exercise at all. If you were involved in other activities such as bicycling or running, stop those too.


    Watch more TV. Spend hours in your house doing nothing but watching TV. Go barhopping on a regular basis, and eat greasy burgers and onion rings.

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