
Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

How to Lose 42 Pounds

How to Lose 42 Pounds

Whether you are choosing to lose weight or you have to for medical reasons, there are right and wrong ways to go about the process. Lifestyle changes will have to take place in order for you to lose the weight and keep it off.

There is no quick fix for losing weight and keeping it at bay. You will have to work at it and be serious about your desire for a healthier lifestyle. The end result will be a positive one if you want it enough.



    Have a positive attitude about your ability to lose weight each and every day. Create a mantra to repeat every morning, evening and throughout each day. Use a saying such as "I am losing weight successfully" or "I feel good about the weight I am losing." See yourself taking off the weight.

    Envision what you will look like when the weight is gone. Celebrate your progress, not with food but with a favorite activity or a new book.


    Eat your meals each day, but do not go overboard. Start your day with a good breakfast that includes fruit, a serving of whole grain and a lean protein source. Use breakfast to fuel your day, giving you the motivation and energy needed to exercise and make it through your day.

    Snack on fruits and vegetables throughout the day and eat small meals for lunch and dinner. Be sure to include lean protein, whole grains and two fruits or vegetables with these two meals. Use a source such as to determine exactly what your serving sizes should be and how many servings of each food group you will need throughout each day. Drink plenty water during the day as well.


    Plan and keep up with a workout routine to aid in weight loss and to maintain a healthy body image once the weight has been taken off. Schedule home workouts for when others will not be around if you prefer privacy. Include walking every day, if possible, as a base for your workout routine. Add a few cardiovascular workouts a week, either at a gym or at home.

    Try a variety of home videos to keep your workouts interesting. Consider the use of easy Yoga and Pilates videos, that are good for beginners. Add a dance workout if desired. Check each video out before beginning a workout so that you will know what to expect, and acquire any extras that will be needed, such as hand weights.

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