
Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

How to Increase HGH

Human growth hormone is a natural substance produced by the pituitary gland. In our bodies, hGH is credited for stimulating the growth of muscle, bone and cartilage and enhancing immune function. Production is most active in puberty and plays a critical role in childhood development. Recent studies demonstrate that recombinant-hGH may benefit cancer patients in reducing whole-body and skeletal muscle protein loss. Strenuous exercise, along with good nutrition and proper sleeping habits keep the body in an optimal state of hGH production.


Exercise, Nutrition and Sleep


    Exercise using high-intensity interval training methods. Studies have shown that weight-training and intense aerobic bursts increase production of hGH more than other types of exercises. A typical HIIT session will last from 15 to 30 minutes with a 2:1 time ratio. An example would be 30 seconds of sprinting, followed by 60 seconds of jogging.


    Consume a proper diet of quality foods, namely natural, clean meats and low glycemic-index carbohydrates. Glycemic-index refers to how fast a food is converted into glucose in the blood. Examples of low G-I foods include fruits and vegetables, nuts, brown rice and whole grains. A balanced diet from good sources of protein, fats and carbohydrates will fuel the body through its workouts.


    Practice intermittent fasting. Recent studies on men showed increased production during a two-day fasting period.


    Sleep for seven to nine hours per night. Growth hormone is released by the pituitary gland in pulses which occur during the REM phases of sleep. Scheduling plenty of time for sleep will allow the body to reach these deep sleep phases with regularity.

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