
Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

How to Create a Sensory Tub

How to Create a Sensory Tub

Young children learn about their world through touch, and sensory tubs are a great way to help them explore the different textures and items that are normally off limits in normal play. While you can buy sensory tables at the store, creating one of your own with simple household ingredients is much more practical and thrifty. Here's how you can create a sensory tub for your toddler.



    Set aside a place to play. Sensory tables are fun, but they can also be quite messy, depending on the items that you put inside. So find a place in your home or backyard that you don't mind having to sweep or mop up after a play session. The kitchen or the back porch are both good options for this type of thing.


    Lay a large plastic tablecloth on the floor to create a place for your child to play. The larger the tablecloth, the easier it will be to clean up after you're done using your sensory tub.


    Fill the tub with various sensory items. There are many different items that you can include in a sensory tub, so use your imagination when choosing items. You can put in simple things like sand, rocks, dry rice, dried beans or even dry cereal. Ice cubes and water are other fun sensory items to play with. You can even add glitter or food coloring to teach your child about colors.


    Offer the items to play with. Once you've created a sensory tub, give your child a few measuring spoons or cups to play with. He will enjoy filling up and dumping out the measuring cups.

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