
Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

How to Burn Body Fat and Lose Weight

How to Burn Body Fat and Lose Weight

If you know how to burn body fat you can lose weight. No matter what your age, size, gender or fitness level, anyone can do it if they are willing to do what it takes. A combination of cardiovascular exercise and weight training will burn the most fat and tone up your muscles.



    Start with cardio. This warms up your muscles before lifting weights. Plan to do 25 to 45 minutes of cardio exercise three to five days a week for optimal results. Cardiovascular exercises include aerobics, running, using the elliptical and biking. Start at a level that challenges you, but doesn't wear you out. You need to save some of your energy for weight training.


    Move on to weight training. Strict form is a must, along with proper breathing and counting reps. You can hire a trainer to get your started and teach you the proper technique.

    It's best to start with legs they are they are the largest and hardest muscles in the body to work. If you do your upper body first, you may not have the strength and energy to work your legs as much as they need.

    Do one set of eight to 10 reps on each leg machine along with squats and lunges. Once you do legs move on to chest, back, shoulders, arms and abs. Start with one set of eight to 10 reps on each machine. Before you leave the gym you should have worked all major muscle groups.


    Add another set each week and don't rest as long between sets. This will increase the intensity, which burns more fat and boosts metabolism.


    Don't forget to stretch. Stretching prepares your muscles for the work they do. Stretch before and after your workout to prevent injury and soreness.

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