
Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

How Does Dannon Activia Work?

How Does Dannon Activia Work?

Bacteria in the Intestines

    The digestive system is intricately designed to break down food and supply nutrients to the body. A prime player in this balance is the presence of helpful bacteria in the intestines. The foods that you eat enhance or hinder your digestive systems, because the food you eat either helps or harms the balance of healthy bacteria in your intestines. Dannon Activia is a special kind of yogurt manufactured to enhance the diversity of your intestinal bacteria. The Merck Manual of Health notes that good bacteria play an important role in digesting food and releasing its nutrients. Located throughout the system but particularly in the large intestine, these bacteria produce help digest as well as create vital nutrients you need, such as vitamin K. The Dannon Activia website explains that as adults, humans have as many as 500 species of bacteria in the intestines to help the digestive system. People acquire these bacteria from birth through the foods they eat. The digestion that these bacteria performs can be slowed if not enough bacteria are present.


    One way of helping restore bacterial balance to the digestive systems is to consume foods with probiotics. The World Health Organization defines probiotics as microorganisms that work with the human body to keep us in good health. Many dairy products that have been cultured, particularly yogurt, contain probiotics that help our digestive systems. Dannon Activia contains a probiotic bacteria called Bifidus Regularis, which not only stays alive in the yogurt on the shelf in the grocery store refrigerator, but also through the high-acid environment of the digestive system. Taking the Activia challenge---eating a 4-oz. serving of the yogurt once a day for two weeks---will bring a quantity of Bifidus Regularis to your intestines, which will help restore beneficial intestinal bacteria.

Other Ways to Help Digestion

    Combining the Activia challenge with other methods of improving intestinal transit will greatly increase your results. Other factors to good digestion include eating enough fiber and drinking enough water. The Merck Manual of Health recommends the consumption of 30 grams of fiber and 1 1/2 to 2 quarts (6 to 8 cups) of water per day. Exercise and movement help digestion, providing natural rhythm and movement that your system can use to help move food along. If your constipation or digestion ailment is severe or painful, remember to see a doctor. Many of the conditions that interfere with digestion need the aid of a doctor to treat.

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