
Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

Help for Mucus Coated Stool in Dogs

Mucus in your dog's stool is an indication that there is a serious problem in the intestinal system. It can be caused by an infestation of parasites, a virus, or a simple irritation of the bowel called colitis. Your veterinarian will be able to determine if your dog has worms and needs a de-wormer or may give you an antibiotic to treat the intestinal infection. A special diet may be necessary until the condition improves.

Mucus Caused by Dietary Mistakes

    Your dog may have a bout of diarrhea with mucus after eating food from the garbage or off the street or even from ingesting plant matter. If this is the case, withhold food for 24 hours to give the intestines some time to eliminate the contaminated food and rest. The problem will resolve itself. If chemical poisoning is suspected, see your vet immediately. Make sure all household chemicals and pesticides are stored safely away from your pets

Mucus Caused by Intestinal Parasites

    Dogs can pick up infestations of hookworms, roundworms or whipworms if they are around the feces of other dogs. The infestation may be so severe that the lining of the intestines becomes inflamed, causing mucus in the stool. Bring a stool sample to your veterinarian so the best course of treatment to eliminate the worms can be determined.

Mucus Caused by Viral Infection

    A virus that infects canines called parvovirus causes severe, foul-smelling diarrhea that can also have mucus in it. Mature dogs tend to recover more easily than very young dogs or very small breeds. The fluid loss can cause shock in your dog, so your veterinarian may give IV fluids to counteract the dehydration. It is important to have your dog vaccinated against parvovirus.

Mucus Caused by Medications

    Some medications can cause loose stool and diarrhea and may even be severe enough to cause mucus in stool. Antibiotics, worming medications, sulfonamides, Rimadyl and aspirin can all cause digestive problems. If your dog is on these medications and is having intestinal problems, ask your veterinarian if a lower dose of medication would be better.

Mucus Caused by Stress

    Certain situations can cause severe stress to pets, giving them bouts of diarrhea with mucus. Separation anxiety or chronic upsets in the household can lead to these kinds of difficulties. Your veterinarian may wish to do some testing on your dog to see what is causing the intestinal difficulty. The vet may prescribe medications to calm the intestines, or a general tranquilizer may be necessary.

Treating Mucus-Covered Stools

    Imodium is the standard treatment for severe diarrhea with mucus. In liquid form, it is given 1 ml per 4 lbs. of animal, two to three times per day. In the pill form, .05-0.1 mg per lb. given every eight hours is the recommended dose.

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