
Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

Healthy Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are an important part of daily nutrition, as they supply energy-spurring glucose and heart-healthy fiber to the body. However, not all carbohydrate-rich foods are created equal. Many carbohydrates contain added sugars and very few nutrients, a formula that can cause weight gain and other health problems. Stick to foods that contain carbohydrates in the form of natural sugars and starches for best results.


    Fruits are generally high in sugar, but that sugar is different from sugar in cookies and cakes. Fructose is a naturally occurring, unprocessed sugar that is nutritionally sound. Many fruits also contain dietary fiber (mainly in the skins) that can help digestion. The majority of fruit in your diet should be fresh, frozen, canned (in water or natural juices) or dried. Fruit juices can be used to supplement your diet, but because they generally don't contain fiber, they should be consumed sparingly. Always select sources of fruit that do not have any added sugar.


    Many vegetables are high in complex carbohydrates, which contain a large amount of fiber. It takes the body longer to break down these carbohydrates; as a result, you feel fuller longer. Vegetables that contain healthy carbohydrates include all varieties of potatoes, peas, corn and carrots. As with fruits, vegetables should be consumed in their whole form for maximum nutritional benefit.


    Dairy products contain a naturally occurring sugar called lactose, and are also an important source of calcium. Therefore, low-fat dairy products are healthy carbohydrates that should be included in the average diet. Either 1 percent or skim milk, cheese and yogurt are all great choices in this category. As a rule, you shouldn't consume artificially flavored milks and yogurts, as these products often contain added artificial sugars that are unhealthy.

Whole Grains

    Items containing whole grains are some of the healthiest carbohydrates you can eat. Whole grains are a fantastic source of fiber, which promotes heart and digestive health. Oatmeal, brown rice, whole-wheat pasta and whole-grain breads are all excellent choices. However, keep an eye out for products (such as breads) that contain refined flour. Refined grains do not have the same nutritional benefit as whole grains, and should be avoided.


    Legumes are particularly nutrient-rich carbohydrates. They are a filling source of fiber and protein. Legumes such as beans, lentils and split peas can be consumed in place of meat to give meals a healthful boost. Consume legumes that are either dried or canned (in water) for the greatest nutritional value.

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