
Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

Food & Drinks That Burn Fat

Food & Drinks That Burn Fat

Put simply, burning fat requires no more than a willingness to replace bad habits with good ones, such as by replacing "bad" foods with filling--and when prepared and cooked right--weight-loss promoting foods. Some fat-burning foods and drinks cause you to burn calories not only during workouts, but even when you're not exercising.

Green Tea

    Many tea companies promote the health benefits of their products, but the "New York Daily News" explains that a chemical in green tea, epigallocatechin gallate, makes the nervous system and brain run faster. Comparing its effects to caffeine, the report says that ECGC makes your body burn more calories, even while at rest.


    Milk, not simply a tasty beverage, also contains plenty of calcium. In his book, "Change One: The Diet and Fitness Plan," John Foreyt writes that receiving too little calcium provokes the release of a hormone known as calcitriol, which instructs the body to store fat rather than burn it. Foreyt says high calcium levels allow calcitriol levels to remain low, letting the body burn fat instead of storing it.


    Drink more coffee, and burn more fat. The "New York Daily News" says that the caffeine in coffee causes an increase in heart rate, which boosts the number of calories your body burns daily. Eliminate sugar, whipped cream and other high-calorie add-ins to reap the benefits of this energy-busting drink.

Lean Meats

    Eating lean meats--chicken, turkey, fish or even lean pork--also helps burn fat, as their high amounts of protein boost metabolism. The "New York Daily News" says that your body has to work harder to digest protein, burning off more calories in the process. Purposely eating a balanced diet containing lean meats can jump-start your mission to burn fat.


    Fight fat with fruit, a crucial food for lasting weight loss. Avocados contain monounsaturated fats, known for eliminating blood sugar highs that tell the body to store fat. In a June 2010 article in "Self" magazine, Liz Plosser writes that when blood sugar spikes--signaling the body to store fat around the midsection--monounsaturated fats block that fat storage.

    In Plosser's article, registered dietitian Leslie Bonci, director of sports nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, says that the antioxidants in blueberries and blackberries improve blood flow and deliver oxygen to muscles. According to Bonci, providing your muscles with the oxygen they need makes exercise feel easier, so you can exercise harder. That more-intense workout will result in more fat being burned.

Fiber Foods

    High-fiber foods--such as oats, beans and many vegetables--provide multiple nutritional benefits. Like blueberries and blackberries, fiber "helps keep blood sugars steady, which cuts cravings and evens out insulin levels," Foreyt says. The "New York Daily News" explains that fiber also boosts metabolism. Controlled blood sugar and a pumped metabolism help you blast away unwanted fat.

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