
Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

Cures for Low Progesterone

Progesterone is the most important hormone produced by the female reproductive system. The main function of progesterone is to aid in regulating ovulation and the menstrual cycle as well as producing the hormones estrogen and cortisone. If the hormones are unbalanced, it can cause many other problems in the body.

Functions of Progesterone

    Progesterone is not only responsible for regulating the female cycle, but is also vital in many other functions of the body. Progesterone is produced and released from the ovaries once a month. The release of this hormone signals the uterine wall to thicken, readying the body for conception and pregnancy. Progesterone also regulates the thyroid gland, aids the immune system, reduces swelling and irritation, and helps to maintain the nervous system. It is also responsible for stimulating the production of collagen and helps to keep muscles and bones strong, which decreases the risk of conditions like osteoporosis.

Symptoms of Low Progesterone

    Many symptoms of low progesterone exist and could be signals of other problems in the body. If your hormones are not in balance, it can cause insomnia, dizziness, irritability and severe mood swings. Other symptoms include urinary tract infections, night sweats, muscle and joint pain, changes in appetite, depression and anxiety. If you have had several miscarriages or have irregular menstrual cycles, this may be a sign of a hormonal imbalance.

Causes of Low Progesterone

    Low progesterone can be caused by too much estrogen being produced in the body. The onset of menopause usually throws off the balance of hormones as well. Other contributors to low progesterone levels are stress, diet, nutrition, exercise and medications you may be taking.

Medical Treatments

    Several options are medically available to women suffering from low progesterone levels. Progesterone can be ingested into the system by a supplemental capsule or given through an injection at your doctor's office. Progesterone creams and vaginal suppositories are also available to women suffering from this condition. If these treatments do not provide relief of symptoms, your physician may suggest trying different hormone replacement therapies. These hormone therapies carry risks of blood clots, heart attack and stroke, so consult with your physician.

Herbal and Nutritional Treatments

    Lifestyle issues like diet and nutrition can play a role in hormonal imbalances. Be sure to follow a balanced and healthy diet, eating well-rounded meals and taking a daily vitamin. This will ensure that your body is not deficient in vital nutrients. Herbal supplements like chasteberry and black cohosh can be of help with regulating hormones. Siberian ginseng is another herbal supplement which will provide general health to the body, especially the reproductive system.

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