
Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

Complex Carbohydrate Rich Foods

Complex Carbohydrate Rich Foods

According to UC Berkeley, carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. In addition to carbohydrates, protein and fat are essential to the body. There are two different types of carbohydrates, simple and complex. Complex carbohydrate-rich foods include whole-grain bread, corn and sweet potatoes, and they are a vital part of a balanced diet.


    Legumes are an example of a complex carbohydrate food. They are a class of vegetables that contains lentils, beans, peas edamame and soy nuts. Legumes are a versatile complex carbohydrate food, high in potassium, iron and folate, and contain almost no cholesterol. As it is a good source of protein, legumes are sometimes substituted for meat.

Whole Grains

    Whole grain versions of rice, cereals and breads are another example of complex carbohydrate rich foods. Make sure that they aren't just brown versions of the food. In order to fit in this category, they must be rich in whole wheat and grains. Steel-cut oatmeal, not rolled oats in instant cereal, is rich in complex carbohydrates.


    Corn, also known as maize, is a starchy vegetable that is a staple food in the United States, as well as Africa. It is a complex carbohydrate rich food that is high in fiber and rich in vitamins B, A and E. Corn also contains antioxidants that have anti-cancer properties.

Sweet Potatos

    Sweet potatoes are a rich source of vitamin B-6, fiber and iron. They are a complex carbohydrate that has almost no fat and is unusually low in sodium. The fiber in sweet potatoes promotes the health of the digestive tract. Sweet potatoes are a complex carbohydrate rich food that is filling and nutritious.

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