
Jumat, 31 Mei 2013

Ways to Be More Beautiful

Ways to Be More Beautiful

Beauty is among the greatest concerns for men and women around the world. As a society, there is a constant drive to appear more desirable and attractive to others, which is why the beauty industry is thriving. There are more than 250,000 beauty salons in the United States, with the industry employing more than 845,000 people. While cosmetics are one way to help improve your appearance, there are several natural ways to improve your looks. Does this Spark an idea?

Be Confident

    One of the simplest ways to convey beauty on the outside is to have a healthy and positive self image. There is no sense in looking beautiful on the outside if you don't feel beautiful on the inside. If you are confident in yourself, it will reflect in the way you compose yourself. You are likely to carry yourself with good posture and smile more often, which make you look physically more beautiful.


    When you smile, your whole face radiates beauty, so smile as often as you can. You may also find that by smiling more often, you end up having a more positive and happy attitude. There are ways to improve your smile if you are self-conscious. Teeth whitening can improve the brilliance of your smile and is more affordable than ever with the availability of over-the-counter whitening kits. To avoid discoloration, brush your teeth often, use a straw when you drink dark liquids and avoid smoking. Don't let dental flaws discourage you. Flaws like gaps can be a signature trademark.


    Use a good moisturize on your face and body every day to give your skin a natural radiance. Try to apply a moisturizer as soon as you get in the shower. According to, "moisturizers rehydrate and replenish your skin's natural radiance, no matter what condition your skin is in." Moisturizing helps replenish the skin with vitamins, minerals and collagen-elastin, which improves skin's elasticity and helps prevent wrinkles. The natural glow of a moisturizer on your face can also reduce the amount of makeup you need to wear every day. Use a lotion with a sun protection factor to protect your skin from the sun's rays, which can cause wrinkles. Drinking plenty of water is a natural way to hydrate skin; it also helps to flush toxins from the body.

Makeup Application

    Makeup can help improve a woman's appearance, but wearing too much makeup can have the reverse effect. Wear enough makeup to accentuate your features and hide flaws without appearing as though you're wearing a mask. Light concealer and foundation, simple eye makeup, mascara and a natural lip shade are usually all you need to improve your appearance. If you use blush, apply it lightly or simply pinch your cheeks to give your skin a natural, blushing look. Look for makeup products that are made of natural materials and contain SPF to protect your skin from sun damage.


    Beauty rest is not a myth that was created as an excuse to sleep in. Getting plenty of sleep re-energizes the body and prevents rings and dark circles around the eyes. The amount of sleep needed varies with each person, but if you get enough sleep, you'll be able to see the results in the way your body looks and feels.

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