
Jumat, 31 Mei 2013

Foods for Hypoglycemia

Foods for Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia, low blood sugar, is a potentially serious condition. When blood sugar levels drop, hypoglycemics experience a number of troubling symptoms that must be reversed by consuming appropriate foods. Fortunately, there are many foods that can prevent and treat a low-blood sugar crisis.


    Diet is the single most significant factor in avoiding the problems associated with hypoglycemia. All symptoms are difficult and some can be severe. Some symptoms include headache, cognition problems, irritability to outright aggression, dizziness and cravings for sweets. Because the American diet has become laden with sugars, caffeine and simple carbohydrates, more and more people have the condition. Unlike diabetes, however, hypoglycemia can be difficult to diagnose because symptoms are similar to other ailments. It is important to know if one is hypoglycemic in order to address the condition with appropriate foods. Worst case, an attack of hypoglycemia can result in coma or death.


    Appropriate foods counteract the physical conditions that occur during a hypoglycemic event. Usually in reactive hypoglycemia (when blood sugar drops to sub-normal levels), the pancreas over-secretes insulin, which causes glucose to synthesize in the liver. A malfunctioning pancreas makes it difficult to metabolize carbohydrates. When blood sugar levels lower, stress hormones and adrenaline and cortisol rise to high levels in the body's effort to prevent blood sugar to drop dangerously. Adequate diet restores and creates balance to the system.


    Foods for hypoglycemia are high in protein and fiber. Hypoglycemics need to eat several small meals throughout the day. The foods that can cause blood sugar levels to drop are large quantities of caffeine, grapes and prunes (including juices), starchy foods and sweets. Some of these foods can be consumed in moderate amounts.


    Eat foods high in fiber content. These include avocados, bananas, lentils, oat bran, broccoli, raw spinach, brown rice, apples, lemons and grapefruits. Protein sources can be fish (wild), whole grains, kefir, raw cheese and low-fat yogurt. For meat eaters, skinless chicken or turkey breast are good sources of protein. If experiencing a hypoglycemic event, oat or rice bran or psyllium will level off blood sugar.


    It is important to realize that, during a hypoglycemic reaction, the person frequently will crave sweets. It is the body's way to raise sugar levels quickly. It is imperative not to eat candy, drink soda or consume any sweets or simple carbohydrates. The body needs protein and/or fiber. The body responds quickly to the right foods and, in most cases, the person will feel much better very soon. Regular exercise and a means of stress reduction are additional components to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Meditation or breath work can be helpful.


    The information in this article is not to be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek help from a health-care provider.

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