
Jumat, 31 Mei 2013

Foods That Lower Blood Sugar Naturally

There are many foods that you can eat to lower your blood sugar naturally. This is a good way to make changes in your diet in addition to working with your doctor to lower blood sugar. This really translates to eating a wide variety of the right foods in moderation..


    Foods that lower blood sugar help you control diabetes and high blood glucose. These foods help you to remain healthy. These foods are fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Foods with too many calories and fat often raise blood sugar


    When eating foods that lower blood sugar, it is important to plan meals carefully and watch portion size. Eating at a regular time every day is important. Your doctor can give you a referral to a registered dietitian who can help you plan your diet.


    Simple carbohydrates are the foods you need to restrict. Some people counting carbohydrates use the glycemic index to choose the right carbohydrates to eat. A dietitian can help you with this process. Choose the healthiest complex carbohydrates and protein, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and lowfat yogurt.


    When choosing food, choose food with high fiber that aids digestion and controls blood sugar. Nuts, different varieties of beans, whole wheat grains, assorted fruits and vegetables contain fiber. Most of these food are healthy carbohydrates too. Limit fats and simple sugars like ice cream, candy, and butter. Use healthy oil like olive oil or canola oil.


    Food that curb dietary chloesterol are lean meats with little fat, egg substitutes rather than egg yolks, and healthy fish. Tuna, mackerel, salmon, halibut and cod are lower in fat and some contain omega-3 fatty acids that lower blood fats. It is important to eat a variety of foods and aim for those that help control your blood sugar.

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