
Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

How Much Wheat Germ Oil Should a Toddler Take?

How Much Wheat Germ Oil Should a Toddler Take?

    Wheat germ oil can be a beneficial supplement for toddlers.
    Wheat germ oil can be a beneficial supplement for toddlers.

A Good Nutritional Supplement

    Wheat germ oil is high in vitamin E and contains many other vitamins and minerals that are a very beneficial addition to the diet of a toddler. It can be used as a substitute for normal cooking oils or as a dressing for salads, blended into cheese on toast or added into yogurt. The standard amount that most manufacturers and experts recommend is 1 tbsp. daily; however, consult your doctor as there are no strict guidelines.

Ask for Advice First

    Wheat germ oil is not advisable for babies younger than 9 months, as their delicate digestive systems may not be able to process the oil. It is always recommended to consult your pediatrician before you start to administer it to be on the safe side in case of a wheat sensitivity.

Bottom Line

    Small quantities of wheat germ oil drizzled over a salad or mixed in with other foods can be a great nutritional supplement, but always consult your pediatrician first.

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