
Jumat, 12 Juli 2013

Which Foods Are Low in Fiber?

Most people don't get enough fiber in their diets, but certain individuals with medical conditions such as colitis, Crohn's disease or other digestive ailments are prescribed a low-fiber diet. Fortunately, there are a variety of healthy foods that are low in fiber.

Dairy Foods

    Dairy foods such as milk, cheese, yogurt and sour cream are naturally low in fiber. Take caution to avoid products with added nuts or seeds.


    Tender, well-cooked meats, poultry, fish, eggs and tofu are good low-fiber sources for protein. Avoid beans and peas.


    Choose bread, pasta, cereals and other baked goods made from refined white flour rather than whole grain flours. White rice is lower in fiber than brown rice. Avoid products that have nuts, seeds, dried fruits or bran added.


    Avoid vegetables with peels and seeds such as beans, peas, corn, parsnips and members of the cabbage family such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower. All other vegetables are fairly low in fiber, but they should be cooked prior to eating.


    Most fats are low in fiber. Butter, bacon, margarine, salad dressing, cream, gravy and smooth peanut butter are low-fiber foods, but nuts, seeds, olives and crunchy nut butters are high in fiber.

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